Quality Water & Excellent Service since 1928

Serving the Rosedale Area of Bakersfield, California

We strive to provide the highest quality water and the best service possible to each and every customer.

Reading Your Meter

Reading your water meter is actually simple and a great way to monitor how much water you are actually using.

Best Watering Times

Vaughn Water customers include properties that are large compared to others in the Bakersfield area. And for properties with a lot of landscaping, a significant portion of water is used to irrigate the property. Therefore, in order to keep water bills manageable, it is a good idea to have a plan. The best time to water your property is before sunrise so the water has a chance to soak in and doesn’t evaporate.

Cubic Feet

Water meters measure water in cubic feet. To understand how much water you are actually using, remember that every cubic foot is 7.5 gallons. In other words, multiply the number of cubic feet you use in a day by 7.5 and you will know how many gallons you are using.

How We Compare

Vaughn Water Company provides some of the most competitive water prices in the Bakersfield Area. In fact, a recent survey indicated that the cost of water was lower than all but one of the local water companies.